Handling of adhesive products

Did you know? If stored correctly, self-adhesive stickers, labels or operating foils can be used for several years without any problems. Please follow these important details regarding storage and handling of adhesive products to ensure a long durability.

Please follow these important details regarding storage and handling of adhesive products.

Tip 1: Storage location

Self-adhesive products must be stored in rooms with temperatures of max. 18-22 °C. Attention in case of excessive heat in summer and danger of frost in winter.

Tip 2: Preparation

The surface to be covered must be clean, dry and free of grease. Heating or pre-treatment of the surface is only necessary in extreme situations. The self-adhesive products must be pressed onto the surface after gluing.

Tip 3: Application

The self-adhesive products take 36 to 48 hours to achieve their final adhesive effect. Only after this time they can withstand the stresses and strains of the product.

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